Monday, December 10, 2012

Genotypes and Generation Formulas

Pure Strain Humans are products of Eugenic and Genetic Manipulation to keep the human genotype "pure" and unaffected by the environment of Nurth. They are a lot like Kahn Noonien Singh from Star Trek in concept, though not necessarily to that degree ideologically.

Mutated Animal is a mutant derived from one or more animal sources, with physical and mental nutations added to the attributes. Many bizzare combinations are possible, but the more additions make it more likely that Defects in Mutation will arise. Good examples of these are the Mourse and the Wowl which are both riding animals. The Mourse is part Mouse/part Horse, and the Wowl is a flying mount which is part Wolf and Part Owl.

Humanoid is a mutant derived from Human stock, but with Physical and Mental Mutations added. They can vary drastically in appearance.

Stock Human is a human that has been born and raised generationally in the environment of Nurth. They are "average" humans for the time period, and are tough and adaptable, and found everywhere.

Synthetic is one of many types of Artificial Life that roam Nurth, most do not know from whence they come, some are constructed by other Synthetics in emulation of organic beings. There are several kinds:
Robots: This is a full on Robot, a Machine, also known as a Servo, or a Servitor
Android, Mech: This is a human or other life emulating construct, but of technological origin, like Mr. Data on Star Trek
Android, Bio: This is an android constructed of synthetic Tissue, similar to Bishop from Aliens, or Roy Batty from Blade Runner, or the Vision from the Avengers.
Cyborg: This is a Stock Human, with multiple Cybernetic Systems implanted. Unlike Other Synthetics, Cyborgs are partially Organic, and have vulnerabilities that apply to organic life.

1 comment:

  1. For Example, smitty makes a humanoid. He rolls

    4d6, six times droppiong the lowest die to get a set of scores that he can arrange in whatever order he wants, and it ends up like this...

    PS: 11
    Dx: 14
    CN: 16
    MS: 10
    IQ: 12
    CH: 13

    He the rolls 1d6-1 getting a 4, and rolls d% 4 times: 43, 12, 75, 03

    And again 1d6-1 getting a 3, and rolls d% 3 times: getting: 40, 13, 88

    He then waits for the GM to get back to him on what Mutations he has scored.

    in the meantime, he rolls 16d8+16 to figure out his total hit points, getting 124.

    Smitty decides to wait until he gets his mutations to see what to do about if he is going to be unique, or representative of a tribe of mutants like himself.

    He rolls 1d4, and gets a 3
